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Adirondack is the perfect template for self-starters and savvy entrepreneurs. Its minimal navigation and full header images provide a bold framework for your brand's vision.


Maja Dimitrijevic    


PROFESSIONAL             Artist, Educator

EDUCATION:                St. Thomas University, M. Ed. 2009   

Tulane University, Bachelor of Fine Arts, 1980


Certified Teacher for English 4-12, ESL, Technology, Art, Social Studies 7-12

Completed training in The Peace Game, IB, AVID, and All Kinds of Minds

Digital Artist training including SGI UNIX, Inferno, NUKE


Teacher at Lanier Middle School, teacher 2006 to present Teaching Thinking Skills - Model United Nations

Sharpstown 2004 to 2006 Teaching ESL and English

Digital Artist

Digital Domain, Sony Pictures Imageworks, and Disney compositor

Projects include “Titanic”, “Dante’s Peak”, “Fifth Element”, “Starship Troopers”, “Contact”, “Ninth Gate”, “Stanley” and “Zoog Disney”

ART EXHIBITIONS      1983 – Present, U.S. and Europe

Art exhibits in Houston, Vienna, Belgrade and Ljubljana. In Glassell Collection, and private collections worldwide


Received the Watson Fellowship, traveled around the world studying collaboration between sculpture and architecture by visiting SITE in New York City, Riverside Studios in London, and Isamu Noguchi in Japan

Received Lance Graduate Scholarship, St. Thomas University          


Imaginary Countries, education curriculum education site

“Romulus, He’s Magic” cartoon

Co-Producer of “Art of the Storm”, a documentary for Katrina Kids 2006-          2007

“Bracelet of Bordeaux” independent child-produced film

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS:  Screen credit in Hollywood Reporter for the Oscar print of          “Dante’s  Peak”, credit in Hollywood Reporter from Sony Pictures Image Works for work on “Contact”, special Effects Coordinator for “The Bracelet of Bordeaux”